USB 3.1 Dual 3.5 HDD Enclosure with RAID S352BU313R

Are instructions available beyond installing the hard drives, and the DIP switch settings? Noting in the box and nothing on the WEB page.

Do you talk to this device with software, if not how do you communicate with it. I am afraid to turn it on without knowing what is required. Sometimes if you start wrong you never undo the problems caused.

How do I assign a letter to it so it shows up in Explorer

How do you turn it off, most devices require a process to avoid damage, and not just turn it off? My other RAID device once you switched it off went through a shutdown process

Thanks for your questions about our drive enclosure with RAID! I’ll be happy to help with some additional information.

The enclosure is OS independent, requiring no additional software or drivers to use. Drive/RAID status monitoring is provided only through the LEDs on the enclosure itself. More information about the LED status can be found on page 7 of the product manual: S352BU313R_dual-bay_RAID_USB_3.1_start_guide.pdf

We have an updated guide regarding initial RAID configuration steps available in this KB article: S352BU313R - RAID Configuration

Once RAID is configured, you can follow the steps in this KB article to initialize the RAID array and assign a drive letter in Windows: How do I initialize a brand new hard drive in Windows or Mac OS?

As for enclosure shutdown, I’ve created a new KB article based on your question: How do I power off the S352BU313R enclosure? Thank you for helping us continue to improve our documentation for other customers that may have the same question in the future.

Hopefully this is helpful! If you have any further questions, please let me know.