Convert LPT to COM port with card PCI-E -> 2 DB25 ports (PEX2PECP2)

I recently purchased a PCI Express 2-Port Parallel DB25 Card - PCI-E 2-Port IEEE 1284 Low Profile Controller Card (PEX2PECP2)”
to add 2 DB25 ports to my Windows 11 PC to control a machine tool.

The problem is that the ports are detected as LPT ports instead of COM ports, but I need them to be COM ports to connect with my machine. Could you please advise me on how to resolve this issue?

Thank you in advance!

Hi @greglg, the PEX2PECP2 is a PCIe to 2x DB25 Parallel port card. This is stated in the title directly (2-Port Parallel DB25), and indirectly as a reference to IEEE 1284, which is the proper name for parallel.

This is not the correct product as it is not a serial card. You need COM ports that are RS-232 serial, not IEEE 1284 parallel, which is what this card is.

That said, it’s worth confirming the exact machine you’re trying to connect to. By doing this we can verify if it’s DB25 serial and not DB25 parallel. Are you able to provide us with the make and model of this machine you’re connecting to?

As a note, if you need DB25 RS-232 serial ports specifically, I don’t believe we offer any solutions over PCIe with DB25 RS-232 natively. We do have adapters from DB9 RS-232 to DB25 RS-232, but depending on your machine’s needs, they may be missing a lot of connections that it wants.

We look forward to hearing back from you.