Understanding the Knowledge Base

We understand how valuable self-search and problem solving can be when you’re looking for a quick solution or researching a certain topic. That’s why we’ve created a large resource center where you can find everything from FAQs and how-tos, to guides and whitepapers.

You can navigate our knowledge base by simply searching for keywords and phrases related to what you’re interested in, or by navigating to your topic through one of the the areas we’ve created.


The Community knowledge base will house all articles related to participating and being a member of the StarTech.com community.

Product FAQs

The Product FAQs knowledge base holds the answers to all of your questions about finding, installing, configuring, and troubleshooting StarTech.com products. Once in this knowledge base, you’ll find articles are divided by product category. These product categories reflect those found on StarTech.com to make it easier for you to navigate to your preferred area of interest.